Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Solo Taxonomy

We sat down last week with Pam Hook and planned our next focus- Structures.
I realised while sitting there that I have come quite far with my learning. We were planning the various stages and I was able to think of maps that would take students to the next level of their learning.
I left feeling really positive... I wish the unit could start straight away, waiting another 10 weeks- i'll need to re fresh my Gung Ho!! :o)

On a totally different topic...

I've decided to start the school magazine next term- It's looking like time will be tight in term four, I've managed to collect great photos already- this years going to be the best one yet!


Belinda said...

I'm so envious that you have been working with Pam again! Please let me know how the unit goes as I'm sure it's going to be AMAZING! We finally have Pam into work with us early next year and I can't wait.

I'm always impressed when you get your magazine organised each year. I used to do this at previous schools but after more than 10 years at EPS I still haven't managed it once!

Not long until D Day now .... Fingers crossed!

Miss S said...

It was a fab session :o) We're doing structures... and Pam somehow managed to make it an exciting topic!! hahaha

Yes i've started the school mag, won't have time with term 4 being so short...

EEEKKKKK D day, 4 weeks of nail biting ahead of us!!!!!! Good Luck xx